A big thanks to everyone for creating Team Bravan!

Yard Sale
Nov 23rd Sat. 8-3 Yard sale at Johnson house
100% proceeds to Aidan!
17257 Wentzel Way, Granada Hills, CA
Dance Party
100 % proceeds go to Team Bravan.
What: A professional instructor will lead our fun-filled dance hour.
When: Friday 11-01-13 from 2:30 PM to 3:30PM
Where: Bee Canyon Park directly across from Van Gogh office.
Donations welcome…Suggested amount $10.00
Let’s get moving and raise some money for Aidan
Yard Sale
100 % proceeds go to Team Bravan.
When: Saturday 11-02-13 from 8:00AM to 3:00PM
Where: 15449 Vintage Street, Mission Hills, CA 91345
If you have any donations to contribute or want to help,
please call Allison Rekrut @ 714-585-4660
Future events by Team Bravan
5K/1K Fun Run 12-07-13
Holiday Boutique 12-15-13
More to come!