name: Michelle Smith
Praying for your needs, Aidan, and lifting your family in prayer, too. Say hi to them from the Smith family. Love you guys.

name : Michelle Smith
message :
Hey Aidan! I’m sorry to hear that you had a rough Christmas. Hang in there, kiddo. 2016 is going to be your year! Say hi to Mom & Dad for me πŸ™‚

name : Rosanna Briscar
message :
Hi Aidan, I am Cousin Richards wife which makes us cousins. I am praying everyday for your good health. You are such a brave and handsome boy. I hope with each
passing day you get stronger and will soon be able to beat this illness. God Bless you and keep you in his loving arms

name: Mark & Michelle Smith & Family
Hi Smithburgers! We are so happy to hear that Aidan is able to enjoy holiday activities this year πŸ™‚ Love you guys!

name: Grandpa Larry
Grandpa Larry is still out there. All my Love
name: Rylie Preston (Hannah’s Friend)
Hi! Hannah always tells me amazing things about you! πŸ™‚ I hope you get better really soon…..;)

name: Bella Peskin
get better cousin! πŸ™‚

name: Michelle Smith
Hey buddy! I was thinking about you and praying for you today. Say hi to your mommy and daddy for us. Love you guys!

name: Char
Your courage is amazing. You are adorable and your parents are precious. You and your brother are so blessed to have such strong parents. I look forward to seeing
you at the Relay For Life Of Granada Hills. You are a leader and the reason that we all come together !! Lots of love Char

name: Sophia Franco
So glad to hear that Aidan is doing better. May God continue to look over your precious child.

name: Ms. Zimlin
Hi Aidan and family, I am so so so very excited to see you back at school. Can’t wait to see your captivating smile and your personality that lights up the room. Hope
you have a nice relaxing summer! See you in a couple months! Ms. Z

name: pop pop
Hi Aidan, just pop pop saying I love you and hope your feeling good again. Love, pop pop

name: Paxton Malone
Hey Aidan!!!! My name is Paxton and I’m Hannah’s friend. I know we haven’t met, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a special place in my heart!!! I sure do hope you
get better!!!! Love, Paxton

name: Michelle Smith
Hi Aidan! I’m so glad to hear that you had a good day yesterday. We are praying for you, buddy!

name: Lisa Gee
Hi Aidan, I’m thinking about you and sending you positive energy. I know you’ll get over this latest hurdle. You’re a strong kid! Love, Ms. Gee

name: Wyatt Sharpe (and his mom)
Hi Aidan. Wyatt told me that he saw you at school and that you got to visit your classroom. I know that you are very missed at Van Gogh. Wyatt and I are cheering for
you! xo Wyatt and his Mom (lLeslie)

name: Travis Rinehart
Hi Aidan , It is Travis. I hope you feel better πŸ™‚ I’ve been thinking about you. I will write again. BYE!!!

name: Kim Green
Hi Aidan! You don’t know me but your mom and I were friends when we were about your age. She’s pretty awesome, and I’m sure your are too! I can’t wait to meet you!
I know you’re gonna kick cancer’s tush!!! Lots of love! Kim

name: Akemi
Hi Aidan, My name is Akemi. I just wanted to tell you my school and I are all praying for you.

name: Kaylyn Majers
I hope you are feeling better. I pray every night For you.get well soon!

name: Michelle Smith
Hi Aidan! Just checking in to see how you’re doing and reading some very good things! We are so happy that you have been able to enjoy dinner out with your family πŸ™‚
By the way, we donated to St. Baldrick’s in your honor today. Keep fighting, kiddo! ~The Smith Family

name: Ms. Zimlin
Hi Aidan, I got the coolest surprise yesterday, a candy gram from you! Thank you so much. Can’t wait to see you back at Van Gogh. Happy belated Valentine’s Day.
Love, Ms. Zimlin

name: Ms. Zimlin
Hi Aidan, stopping by to let you know Evelyn and I wish you and your family a good new year.

name : Alexandra Galarza
message :
Dear Aidan, Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I also want to wish you a happy new year I just
know your going to get better soon πŸ™‚ we can’t wait to see you at Van Gogh. Love and prayers your way. Love, Miss Alex rm.51

name: Jackson Lyons
Hope you had a great Christmas! Feel better soon. Can’t wait to see you again at Van Gogh!

name: Jennifer Buonamassa
We are thinking of you Aidan and praying for you and your family! Stay strong and be brave! Sending you lots of love, hugs, & prayers!!!

name: Larry Peskin
Grandpa loves you very much. I want you to get well real soon. All my love

name: Rafa Sax
I heard about your story through Nurse Monique and I wish you & your family all the health & strength in the world…and a FULL recovery. πŸ™‚

name: pop pop
just wanted to say how proud of you i am.can only hope and pray your feeling better. love you pop pop!

name : Allison
message : Aidan your bravery and strength are my inspiration!!!! Jake misses you like crazy! Xoxo

name : Allison
message : Aidan your bravery and strength are my inspiration!!!! Jake misses you like crazy! Xoxo

name : Travis Rinehart
message :
Hi Adian, This is Travis. My mom and I heard you were sick and want to let you we are hoping you feel better soon. I would love to hang out when you are feeling
better. I miss you friend. Love Your buddy Travis

Teri and Alan Kendrick
Hi Aidan, you are on the road to recovery. hooray for you! think and dream good thoughts. lots of love, your cousins Teri & Alan

name: Ben Rich
Hey Aidan, its your cousin Ben from AZ. we are all praying for you. i hope that you had a great thanksgiving. feel better.

name: Sharyn and Lloyd
Our thoughts are with you. We send love and prayers for Aidan’s recovery and cure. Keep strong. Love, Cousins Sharyn and Lloyd

name: Laurie Oren Maor and Naomi
Happy Belated Birthday Aidan! Keep kicking cancer’s tush! You are amazing. Hope you have a Happy Channukah and Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Cousins in DC –
Laurie Oren Maor and Naomi

name: Ms. Zimlin
Hi Aidan, Just stopping by to wish a belated happy birthday! We are all missing you and can’t wait to see you back at school. πŸ™‚

name: Alexandra Galarza
Happy Birthday Aidan!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! I am so lucky to share my birthday with a wonderful brave boy! Best wishes birthday twin! Hope you like
your card we made with lots of love πŸ™‚ Love, Miss Alex Rm.51

name: Alexandra Galarza
Happy Birthday Aidan!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! I am so lucky to share my birthday with a wonderful brave boy! Best wishes birthday twin! Hope you like
your card we made with lots of love πŸ™‚ Love, Miss Alex Rm.51

name : Alexandra Galarza
message :
Dearest Aidan,
Hope you are doing well we all miss you here in room 51. You are an amazing and brave boy lots of love and prayers your way. Can’t wait to see you soon πŸ™‚ Love,
Miss Alex #teambravan

name : Mr. Abram
message :
Hi Aidan, Be strong and courageous. Hope to see you at Van Gogh soon.

name: Lauren & Lynn Kimotsuki
Hi Aidan, you may not know Lauren (3rd grader, and one of the Girl Scouts in Troop 3766) or me (Lauren’s mom) but we certainly know who you are. πŸ™‚ We ran into you
and your family trick-or-treating last night and were THRILLED to see you having fun with your family! Stay strong and know that the Van Gogh family continues to keep
you and your recovery in our thoughts & prayers!!!

name: Coach Tim
Never give up Aidan, keep fighting. I want to see you out on the fields very soon.

name: Ryan Najar’s Mom
Happy Halloween, Aidan.

name: Marisa, Ryan and Fin
We were so happy to talk to you last night. So cute that Finley can say I love you Aidan and Shane. He can finally talk Aidan!

name: Cousins Melanie & Rob
Hey Aidan, We think about you all the time. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. We love you and we are sending Lots of hugs and kisses from

name: Ryan Najar’s Mom (Sophia)
Aidan, my son Ryan is six years old and plays baseball a North Valley and that’s where I saw your link. I don’t know if you have ever met him, but I told him about you
and he thinks you are absolutely amazing and the strongest kid EVER! You are our HERO! You and your family are in our prayers.
name: Monique Kurdian (Natalia & Jonathan’s mom)
Hi Aidan, Natalia and Jonathan and the entire family wish you a speedy recovery. Your a strong boy, you can fight and win this! Keep your spirits high and always keep
smiling. Your classmates are waiting to see you back at Van Gogh!!!!

name: Constantina (Dina) Alevras
Hello Aidan My name is Dina, I’m coach Alevras’ mom and when he told me about you I was so sad. You are such a brave little boy, you are in my thoughts and
prayers. I know you will be better real soon and I will see you at the playground at Van Gogh.

name: Kristina Charles
Marie and I wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you. Marie is a third grader at Van Gogh. We have a family member who is also a cancer warrior. We know
you are a wonderful and that you will be a warrior, too.

name: Nancy and Ronnie Greenberg
Hi Aidan. We’re friends of your Grandpa Michael and he tells us you’re a terrific grandson. We’re thinking of you and want you to know that our thoughts and prayers
are with you. “Fight On”. Sincerely, Nancy and Ronnie Greenberg

name: Rania
Hi Aidan, after reading the post from yesterday I just had to write to tell you that you are such a handsome guy no matter what hairstyle you have. Your hairstyle is not
what defines you, you have so much love, joy, humor and beauty shining through, you will always be a hunk in all our eyes! Maybe you won’t believe it coming from me,

name: Rania
Hi Aidan, after reading the post from yesterday I just had to write to tell you that you are such a handsome guy no matter what hairstyle you have. Your hairstyle is not
what defines you, you have so much love, joy, humor and beauty shining through, you will always be a hunk in all our eyes! Maybe you won’t believe it coming from me,
but I’m sure all the girls I ask will think you’re a heart throb too! Buzz cuts are going to be the new cool ‘do.

name: Bob and Marian Noah
Aidan, we met once some time ago at your parents’ house. But I know adults go zooming into and out of your life all the time, so I’m sure you don’t remember. And
remembering isn’t important What’s important is getting well as soon as possible. I know you’re doing your part! Best wishes, The Noahs

name: Richard and Judy Sherman
Aidan, we hope that you are feeling well soon. We admire and appreciate your Grandfather Michael so much as I am sure you do too. Wishing you the very, very best!

name: Zoe Snider
Hi Aidan, I wanted to let you know that I miss seeing you at school and shouting “bananas” to get us to chase each other around on the yard. Feel better soon! Zoe

name: Warren Peskin
Hi Aidan- Was in the Valley last week and wanted to see you but you were not allowed visitors- I think a lot about you . Erin and Hannah and I send our love- Tova too!
Uncle Warren

Ms. Zimlin
Hi Aidan and family, Just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing. Lovin the new haircut!

name: Norma & John Smithburger
Hi Aidan: Hope you are feeling a little better. Hang in there.

HI Aidan, I know that you do not know me, but your Grandmother, Bette Ann, was my life long bestest friend. We had no secrets from each other and had each others
back. Anyway, since her passing she has become my Guardian Angel and has helped me through some bad times. Now, I am sending her to you to be your Guardian
Angel–her name is Bette Ann Elizabeth. She will help you through this. When you get scared, just call her by name. write to me if you wish. I would love it. You have a
beautiful family, I am proud of you. my prayers are with Aidan every day. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. PATTI

name: Bill & Lorry Diehl
Wishing Aidan all the best in his journey to a full recovery. Bill and Lorry Diehl New York City

name: Lisa Furia
Hi Aidan! Barkley wanted me to send you a quick hello! We all wish you have a speedy recovery? Tell Sparky hello from us!

name: Sandra, Gabe, Lexi, and Gabi Garrido
Hi Aidan! First, Gabi wants to tell you how cool you look with your new hair cut! We all love you and miss you! We can’t wait to see you again and wish you a speedy
recovery! Love, Gabi, Lexi, Sandra and Gabe

name: John Alevras
Hi Aidan! I really miss you buddy! P.E. and Psychomotor are not the same without you! I hope you’re doing okay and I hope that you will be back at school soon. In the
meantime, stay brave and strong! By the way, don’t worry about doing your P.E. homework – you can start doing it again when you come back to school. Get well soon!
Love, Mr. Alevras (Your P.E. Teacher)

name: Michelle Smith
Hi Aidan! Just wanted to stop by and let you know we think about you and pray for you every day, buddy.

name: Charlotte Meyer
Hi Aidan, I am grandma’s friend. I loved your pictures. You are a handsome, smart boy and I hope you get stronger soon. Hugs, Charlotte Meyer
name: Lucie, Marek, Ema nad Kerry
Dear Aidan, this is Ema and Marek from your extended Van Gogh family, Ema even went to family day care with you. Thinking of you everyday. Cannot wait to see you
back at school. Love Thompson’s

name: Donna Royer
Gee, you have your own teacher. How neat is that!! I am glad to hear your blood results had improved. I love your dogs. What kind are they? I have 2 pooches – Nelson,
a Havanese and Bindy who is a mix of a King Charles Springer Spaniel and a Coton de’ Telur. Take care. And, I’ll send an email with pictures of my pooches. Donna

name: Gary Corcoran
Hi Aidan. I’ve heard a lot about you and it’s good to see you. I’ll bet that your pooches will help you to get better real soon! What are their names? Your pal, Gary.

name : Madison, Debra & Alex Fabery
message :
Dear Aidan and Family,
My name is Madison Fabery and I’m in 3rd grade. I heard you were sick and I hope
you will get better soon. We are all praying for you and your family for strength
and healing. Keep a positive attitude and know that God hears everyone’s prayers.
All your Van Gogh Family are praying for you to win this battle!
Lots of Hugs,

name : George Wedanarachchi
message :
Aidan, Be Strong and Get Well soon!

name : Mrs. Barrile
message :
Hi Aidan! I miss you and your great big smile! I love your new haircut.
Now I won’t have to call you little Shane! I hope you start feeling better soon.
It will be a very happy day when you come back to school.

name: Jasmine Mgeryan
Aidan, you can do if. Before you know it, you will be back in school.

name: Brent Markley
Hi Aidan. Hang in there and get well soon so I can see you next time I go to your grandma’s and play with the dog! Love, your cousin Brent

name: Tanner Salinas
Hey Aidan, I hope you feel better soon I miss seeing you at school. Your friend Tanner

name: Mrs. Reinhart
Hi Aidan! It’s Mrs. Reinhart. I want you to know that our whole family is thinking about you. I hope your treatments go quickly so you can make it back to be in my earth
science class. But take your time and if your treatments last longer, I will be happy to give you some geology activities you can do at home! Don’t worry. They are fun!
Be well and tell your mom and dad hello. Robyn, Will, Julian and Sofia

name: allison rekrut
Lovin you like crazy lil man!! You are missed soo much! Can’t wait to see you!

name: dvorah
there’s an army of supporters fighting for you aidan! lots of love coming your way.

name: Bailey Benson
Dear Aidan, I can’t wait until you are all better, and back in class with us. Be strong. Love, Bailey

name: Ms. Khorani
Hello Aidan! I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you. I can’t wait to see you. Love, Ms. Khorani

name: Ms. Hirsch
Hi Aidan and Family, This is Ms. Hirsch, I am a teacher at Van Gogh and I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. I have been fighting cancer too, and
haven’t been back to school since April 2013. Surgery and chemotherapy haven’t been fun, but I know I am getting better. I have lost my hair, but it looks like you
haven’t. I wear a lot of hats. Anyway, I am sending my love and good wishes to you and your family. Love, Ms. Hirsch

name: Jackie & Reese Dubow
Dear Aidan, sending you our prayers and love for a most speedy recovery.

name: Tamara Brown
Hi Aidan! Hang in there buddy. I know you have way too much energy, and so much love from family and friends to let anything keep you down. See you soon πŸ™‚ Love

name: Chris, Michele & Jay Johnson
Aidan and family! I wish all the best and please let me know if there is anything us Johnson’s can do for you……..anything, please we would love the opportunity to help.
Our well wishes and prayers are with you Aiden. Get strong and get well.

name: Nathan Nguyen
You are handsome and brave. Besides, I’m sure that you know you have an amazing and wonderful family! Be strong and get over it! I believe you will do it, for sure!
Hope to see you at Van Gogh very soon. I’ll pray for you. Love and hugs,

name: Lisa Gee
Aidan, you are such a brave person. I know you’ll be back at Van Gogh stronger than ever! Hang in there and please know that we’re all behind you! Sincerely, Ms. Gee

name: Sandy & Joe & Madison
Aidan, Madison sends you get well wishes and kisses, can’t wait till we can visit… Love, Sandy, Joe & Madison

name: Richard and Rosanna Briscar
Hi Aidan. Hang in there, buddy. It may be tough, but know that there are a lot of people praying for your recovery.

name: Chancellor Crawford
We’re all rooting for you and sending you lots of positive vibes. Kick this things butt. You’ve got this!!!! Best wishes, Sandy, Alan, Chancellor and Diesel Crawford

name: The Crawford Clan
Dear Aidan and family, We are all rooting for you and sending you lots of positivity. Kick this things butt. You’ve got this!!! Warmest Regards, Sandy, Alan, Chancellor
and baby Diesel “Van Gogh”

name: Lee Ann Faeth
Hi Aidan. Avery, Noelle and the rest of our family are wishing you a very speedy recovery. You were a superstar at last year’s school Holiday program and we need to
see you back at school again this year to uphold that title and put smiles on everyone’s faces again this year. Many prayers are being said for you by our family and

name: Michelle, Assor & Nathan & Chelsey Assor
Dearest Aidan, You are in our hearts and minds. You can do it, your family’s faith in you will help you through this ordeal and the loving support surrounding you will
embrace you on the road to recovery. I myself have been tested with major health setbacks throughout my life, also from a young age. My faith in God has always led
me from the dungeons of despair to the the havens of hope. We are praying for you.

name: Saminh & Jeff Greenberg
Dear Aidan, we wish you a full and speedy recovery. May everyday be a better, stronger and healthy day so you can quickly go back to being the little rockstar we know
you are. πŸ™‚ Our thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. Love, Saminh & Jeff Greenberg

name: Francine, Reuven, Yona and Shai
Please give Aidan lots of hugs and kisses from his cousins in Israel. We wish we could give them to him in person! We said a special prayer for him at Yom Kippur
services yesterday — and you know that from Jerusalem we have a direct line to the Big Guy! Shai was really sick at the same age as Aidan, and now he’s bigger than
all of us, a great swimmer, and completely healthy. We know that Aidan will follow the same path. Lots of love.

name: Fran and Harvey Waldman
Family! Friends! What game would you like? Sending you and your family hugs!!!

name: Douglas Caplan
Stay the course cuz. you will better soon… We are saying prayers for you Aidan…Hang in there….we love you… Cuz. Barbara & Douglas in Arizona

name: The Henderson Family
Hi Aidan! Hang in there! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! Our family had a similar situation in 2012, some days are hard, but know that this soon
shall pass and you will be back out with your friends and family! :))))) Praying for a speedy recovery! Kayla (3rd grade Van Gogh), Kyle, Kenya and Larry

name: Ron Piloyan
Hey Aidan, stay strong and get well soon, buddy! We know you can do this, we’re rooting for you!

name: irene ambrose
we will pray for aidan may god bless

name: Gale Gundersen
Hi Aidan, I heard you had been sick and I have been thinking about you and your family lots and lots! I hope you are feeling a bit better. I’ll bet you are are tired of going
to the doctor! When you are feeling better I would like to come visit. I’m sending you a hug for now. Get better soon! Love, Mrs. Gundersen

name: Kathryn Streets
Hello Aidan! You don’t know me, but I used to babysit for your daddy and his brother many moons ago. Your grandmother, Betty Smithburger, was my cousin and I
loved her very much. When I look at the photos of you, I think I see a hint of your grandmother’s smile. Stay strong, buddy and God bless! Kathy (Briscar) Streets

name: Taik
Dear Aidan, I am very sorry you are going through this difficult time and admire your courage and strength to fight this disease. Our prayers and encouragement are
with you and your family. XOXOX Cheer up

name: Barbara Caplan
Please G-d help this young boy get well….

name: Lainie, Todd, Charlie and Alex
Thinking of you guys. Aidan’s in our prayers. Sending our love.

name: Ms. Merloni
Dearest Aidan aka Braivdan, We miss you here at Van Gogh! We can’t wait until you feel better. We are thinking about you and your family. You’ll have to show me your
new mini Ipad and your DS. They both sound like a lot of fun. Sending you lots of get well wishes! With love, Ms. Merloni Principal, Van Gogh

name: Laura Spielman
Hi Aidan, I am so, SO sorry that you’re not feeling well… I know that you’ll be fine, because you are the toughest young man that I know!!! Hang in there Sweetie Pie!!! I
Love You!! Your Cousin Laura ;-))

name: Darren Ross
Get better very soon….and return to school. I’m sure your friends are excited to see you!!

name: Todd Nathanson
Our family understands this fight. We are with you and have made a donation.

name: Rich Family of Arizona
Aidan, we are thinking about you and your family and sending lots of hugs and love.

name: Cousins Sharyn and Lloyd
Dear Aidan, We send our love and wishes for a speedy recovery. Get well soon. Lots of love and hugs and kisses. Cousins Sharyn and Lloyd

name: Ed Horwitz
Aidan: As a recent cancer survivor, I spent the last 7 months going through chemo and radiation, I’m here to tell you it’s all behind me now. I beat it and you can too. I’m
a friend of Becky Kershman’s If you ever want to talk to someone who’s been there, please get Becky to put us in touch. Keep a positive attitude and this will all be
behind you before you know it. You look like a strong, tough guy. Good luck and remember, you’re about to kick cancer’s ass! You can do it!

name: Kenny, Kaylyn and Irene Majers
Dear Aidan and Family I hope you recover soon. We pray and think of you everyday you are part of our family at Van Gogh. Just keep smiling and be very positive God
will be with you and he will give you strength to win this battle. You are very brave! Lots of hugs and love

name: Marisa
We love you and are here for you. Ryan, Marisa and Finley

name: Jen, Hannah and Bella
Aidan we love you very much! Your cousins ask about you every day, and can’t wait for you to feel better again. Lots of hugs and kisses xoxo

My heart goes out to all of you. There is nothing worse than a child being ill. I love you Ron, please let me know if I can do anything. I pray every day for Aidan and the

name: Neill Markley
Hi Aidan, Stay strong and do what the doctors tell you. You have a lot of people rooting for you. Get well soon.

name: Skidell Family
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Aidan and your entire family!!! You are so brave and handsome! Sending lots of hugs xoxoxo

name: joanie and ron scherer
Aidan, everyday will be a new day and bring you closer to recovery…..we are always thinking of you and all your wonderful and loving family….xo joanie and ron

name: Beth Bossuk
Wishing your family all the love,hope,prayers, and love. Please let me know when Aidan needs more X Box points. I will gladly refill!!! xoxo Beth

name: Aunt Jackie
We love you Aidan very very much!!!

name: Louise and Sherwin Kershman
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Lots of love and hugs

name: The Crosby Family
Aidan, We wish you a very fast recovery. We are thinking of you and your family every day. Jaden misses you and is looking forward to having you back in school just
as soon as you are able to! We are here for you and your family whenever you need us. We know how strong you are Aidan, just keep fighting and you will overcome

name: Gwen
Dearest sweet Aidan and wonderful family, You are such a strong, brave little trooper. You are so full of life and positivity. You have touched my life and you have many
more lives to touch. Sending positive vibes your way so that you can return to school and we can see that happy face again. Love you, Ms. Zimlin (Gwen)

name: Hope Watterson
We can’t wait to see you back at Van Gogh!

name: Melanie & Rob Mann and family
We are thinking about you and we wish you a speedy recovery!! Love always, Cousins from Memphis

name: Miss Weinstein
Aidan and family- Thinking about you everyday. Aidan just keep smiling. Can’t wait to hear one of your famous jokes. You always make me laugh! Here for you always!

Greg and Jake Feller
Get well soon Aidan! We can’t wait to play with you!!!

name: Ted Sumida and Family
Aidan get well soon! Sending positive vibes to you guys.

name: Jay Tessel
Hang in there big guy. You need to be strong for Dad because his Steelers are going to drive him nuts this year. Your Mommy and big brother Shane are also there to
offer you strength when you need it most. We hope to see you soon. Love Jay, Kristina, Amber, and Brianna Tessel

name: Zapata Family
Aidan is in our prayers and we know that he will get better soon, strong boys always make strong comebacks

name: Kelley Knowles
Aidan cant wait to bring Jaylin over to play with you and your brother, maybe even play some music and create a song:) Feel better and get well.

name: Kevin Wise
Aidan is a Smithburger and Smithburgers kick butt and take no names! Feel better bud! Sending you an iTunes Gift Card I hope you can use and enjoy! See you soon!

name: Steve Cagle Sr, and Jr
Steven and I wanted to wish you good luck Aidan.stay strong, we know you’re going to get through this! A Gamestop gift card is waiting for you when we see you!

name: David Smithburger
Get better my little nephew, because next time I visit California we will go get some tattoos together…

name: Michelle Smith
Aidan, Mark, Amanda, Ashleigh, Amy & I send all our love and prayers to you and your wonderful family. We love and support you, kiddo!

name: Erin Peskin
I love and miss you cous! sending all my hugs and kisses to you πŸ™‚ keeping you guys all in my prayers

name: The Shalaby family
We all want to see Aidan get back to school. We miss him so much and want to see him overcome this battle. Your family is constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We
are ready and willing to do whatever you need. love, Rania and family

name: JoAnne Facer
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

name: Roger David (Frog) and the David Family
Sending all the best from our family to yours! You are all in our thoughts and we will help any way possible. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for anything!!!

name: j greene
We all love you Aidan. you will always be in or prayers.

name: Rocco Rainey & Rainey Family
Aidan, I miss you!!!! I hope your coming back soon so we can play freeze tag again. Your my best friend. Get Better. Rocco
name: Nayeli Vacasotelo