On August 29th, 2013, 6-year-old Aidan, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). He was in 2nd-grade at Van Gogh Charter School. It’s hard to believe that one day you have a perfectly healthy, strong six year old and the next day you find out he has cancer. It is a parent’s worst nightmare.
We created Chemo Free Leukemia Foundation to help pay for Aidan’s treatment. 100% of all donations will go towards Aidan’s recovery!
Aidan Smithburger is a one of a kind, kind of kid. He started his 6th year of life like any normal 6 year old. He loved to skateboard, play with his friends and be the class clown. He brings a smile and a laugh to anyone he meets. Everyone at his school, from the principal to the students just love him. He prides himself on being a comedian.
In August of 2013 Aidan started 2nd grade. Aidan loved school and all his friends at school so we could not understand why he was crying and just not himself the first few weeks of school. Then all of a sudden he had a fever of 103.9. He was taken to urgent care. The doctor noticed swollen lymph nodes and did a blood test.
The next day he was at the pediatric oncologist office and was was given the most unbelievable and shocking news. He was diagnosed with Leukemia. His white blood cell count was so high that it was undeniable. The doctor started immediately with testing to find out the type of leukemia and to see if it was in his bone marrow.
Aidan was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. That night he was admitted to the hospital. He had surgery to put an implantable Port in his chest for his future blood test and for chemotherapy treatments. He spent 10 days in the hospital, where he gave himself the nickname ”Bravan”, which stands for Brave Aidan.
Now, for the next 4 years this amazing boy will be fighting the hardest battle of his life. He will endure painful side effects if chemotherapy, and many restrictions that a little boy can not possibly understand like not being able to go to school or play with his friends.
How on earth can an amazingly sweet and charismatic child go from one day being perfectly healthy to having cancer? It’s a parent’s worst nightmare.